Thursday, August 28, 2008


Comes from: cows
Purchased at: Trader Joe's
So mostly I want to talk about this cheese because its label alerted me to the existence of "microbial rennet," which is what vegetarians (and kosher-types?) can use to make cheese when they don't want their cheeses to contain delicious, delicious baby cow stomach. Hooray for science! (Except that some vegetarians apparently don't even think fake rennet is good enough, because... um, "Somehow, cutting a calf's stomach into pieces to create cheese, or inserting a calf gene into bacteria and yeast to produce bioengineered cheese is not very appealing." Wait, how are those *at all* the same thing?) (Oh, and now I totally want a campaign banner that says "LITVAK PALATE: ENFORCING MICROBIAL SLAVERY SINCE 2008.")

Anyway. Like that other time I ate an obscene amount of Trader Joe's cheese, I find myself at a loss here. Mostly because my blood is slowwwly flooding my digestivey bits and probably taking on a white undertone while doing so. Ew/yum.

This is a perfectly servicable stinky cheese, is what I'm saying, and it's not even *that* stinky, and certainly not offensively stinky. Not as strong as blue cheese of the type you'd find on your salads, but a milder verson of the same will put you in the right ballpark. I'm just not sure how I'd serve this one at my future hypothetical dinner party. It's not crumbly, so not on salads... Maybe you could use it to top your fancy burgers, though. It'd probably be awfully good at that. Or! Or an appetizer, on crackers, with honey. I think that'd be good.

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