Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mitica Clara Raw Goat Cheese

Mitica Clara Raw Goat Cheese
Comes from: goats
Puchased at: Whole Foods

I think the answer is, I like ash. Ash! Who knew? But this is an ash-cheese, and that Humboldt Fog... whatever, the ash one, that one is delicious. So there you go.

When you break it against your palate this cheese has a solid woody goaty flavor. Woody? I dunno, I just needed an extra adjective. It sounds stupid, after all, to say that a goat cheese tastes goaty. This cheese! Tastes like its ingredients! Etc. Anyway, you break it against your palate -- it's a soft cheese, this one, easily fragmented by your tongue, not melty-soft but just not very dense -- and the taste just explodes and when you swallow it clings to the back of your throat, stinging just a little. Bites with the ash in them are sharper, more astringent, and really do sting the back, but in a good way. The occasional bite with no ash at all, meanwhile, has an almost Swiss-cheese note -- yes, I just used the word note -- to it, hollow and... I dunno, something about this cheese sometimes reminds me of Swiss.

In short, this cheese is delicious, and you should eat some.


1 comment:

Rachel W. said...

I always forget to click the link over to here, and that's terrible, because I love your cheese reviews like you love my book/movie/phone call reviews, which - and I'm just SUPPOSING, here - you basically live for.