Hudson Valley Camembert
Comes from: sheep
Purchased at: Whole Foods

God, I love camembert. More importantly, I love this camembert. It's a sheep-camembert, which perhaps means that the French -- oh, those French -- would quibble (by which I mean "violently disagree, coughing up their phlegmy French throats, setting their rheumy, bloodshot, absinthe-ruined eyes ablaze") with calling it a camembert, since by law camembert comes from cows, just like brie. This camembert, though? It comes from sheep, and it is delicious.
Lavort Herve Mons
Comes from: sheep
Purchased at: Whole Foods

You know, when I was eating this cheese I thought, This would be the perfect way to get children to drink milk cheese to illustrate what a sheep cheese *should* be.
That is high praise.
It's sheepy but not throat-destroying sheepy. The texture is firm, slightly moist. It's just... very... al dente, in a good way. (And obviously more firm than pasta al dente.)
If you are a sheep-cheese virgin, start here. Love, me.
Cypress Chevre Bermuda Triangle
Comes from: goats
Purchased at: Whole Foods

You guys know why I had to buy this cheese, right? I mean, look at it! That is a *triangle* of cheese. And in case you *didn't* notice, it is also right there in the name. Bermuda triangle! That is this cheese.
(Does the Bermuda Triangle exist anymore? As... I don't know, a region to be feared? Because I would figure that the gun-toting Somali pirates of the... IndoChinese seas? would make that nautical zone more of a danger, rumored and otherwise, than, like, the drunken Floridian tourists of the Bermuda Triangle. I am just saying.)
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