Comes from: sheep
Purchased at: Whole Foods

The internet helpfully tells me that "tomme" is just a general term for a semi-hard cheese, especially one made from skim milk (though this label says nothing so dreadful), and "espelette" is a red pepper. I think.
(Incidentally, this website is great; scroll down to the bottom to check out the texture chart. Dear person who is just like me on the internet, Hello and I love you!) (Oh, and he -- and here is where it gets weird, because I thought it was a he, and then I was like, But why? Because his background is black? and then I followed the links to facebook, and it does, indeed, appear to be a he who created the website, but then does that mean that men and women do indeed have gendered voices in the seminonymous paradise that is the internet? and, I mean, of course *some* voices are gendered, and some statements pretty clearly broadcast sex ("So I was pushing a baby out of my vagina the other day..."), but this is a website about *cheese*, and shouldn't it be gender-neutral? BUT IT ISN'T. -- Anyway, but he recommends this other site for you to read, which, meh, but oh, it links to DiBruno and now I miss Philly waaaah.)
Tomme de Espelette, incidentally, tastes like sheep-cheese with peppers in it. Moist, semi-firm (think cheddar but less dense, or, actually, swiss is a close approximation in terms of texture). It's good, actually; sometimes the whole cheese-with-stuff-added thing means that the added stuff overwhelms the cheese, or vice versa, but this is a nice complimentary, even symbiotic (like a lichen!) pairing.
Also I just now ate some more manouri (from sheep, $14.99/lb at Whole Foods), but I'm pretty sure I reviewed it already.
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