Grass Stains: Soft Ripened Cheese with Peppercorns and Proprietary Herbs
Comes from: cows
Purchased at: Whole Foods

Yes, really, "proprietary." As in... owned by... somebody else? What the hell does "proprietary" mean?

In other quibblings, this cheese isn't really soft, which I interpret to mean "spreadable." It's more of a medium-firm cheese (think... swiss?), but it's much drier than your sandwich cheeses (and I made up that term just now to mean cheddar/muenster/provolone/swiss/etc), so it flakes. Mmm, flakey cheeses.
Anyway. So
this cheese. I liked this cheese. Covered in (and incorporating) a mix of spices I can't really identify (thyme? was that thyme?) and pepper. Also surprisingly spicy, but I dunno, I liked it better than
that other spicy one. Maybe because the primary taste was not "hot" but also "other herbs" and a little bit of cow cheese. Num.
1 comment:
In this case, I think "proprietary" means 'We're not telling you.'
I could see "a proprietary blend of herbs and spices," or something, so that it's the mix that's being protected for business reasons, but "proprietary herbs" sounds like they're breeding strains of thymmary or chivlic out in the greenhouse.
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