Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tomme des Bois Noirs, Taleggio, Big Ed's

Tomme des Bois Noirs
Comes from: goats
Purchased at: Whole Foods
$16.99/lb (on sale)

Nom nom nom.

Comes from: cows
Purchased at: Whole Foods

Despite smelling like it would be stinky, this cheese was not as stinky as it might have been.  In fact, it was quite good.

Big Ed's
Comes from: cows
Purchased at: Whole Foods

Satisfying.  Mild.  Etc.

1 comment:

hwane said...

re: Tomme de Bois Noire review ::"Nom Nom Nom"?
• Same as "Num num" (delicious) but more politically correct, so as not to offend intellectually-challenged "num nums"?
• An autoNOMic ecstatic invocation of the cheese prophet NOMstradomus, who requires babbling in riddles & doubles entendres (so as to never be proven wrong) ?
• You were translated to & from another plane of The Milky Way?
• The interesting rind was unusually be-NOMbing, like Novacain?
Enquiring minds & palates need to know.