Oh, friends. Friends, I have disappeared again. I disappeared, because I was (and remain) On A Diet, and there are so few diets out there these days that recommend eating cheese, because cheese is delicious, and diets have a problem with that. The only diet I have ever found that is in any way okay with cheese is, of course, the Atkins diet, and it requires you to give up all kinds of lovely things that go well with cheese and also pooping, like grapes.
So that is where I am right now, only I broke down today and went to Whole Foods for the first time in months, because OH GOD I could not stand it any longer; if I did not get a brie-like substance in me immediately I would die.
Dear Cheese, I missed you, baby. You're no good for me but I missed you anyway.
Delice de Bourgogne
Comes from: cows
purchased at: Whole Foods
You guys! You guys basically what I want to say to y'all is this: This cheese makes a compelling argument for not giving a fuck what I look like and just eating cheese all the fucking time. This cheese is what my soul looks like. This cheese is *that good*.
Incidentally, this cheese is mild and soft unto liquid and probably has a fat content *over* that of Brillat Savarin or Pierre Robert, which are my other cheeses of heaven.
Hi! I'm one of Gabbiana's favorites! Eat me with a spoon!
Fourme de Montbrison
comes from: cows (raw)
Purchased at: Whole Foods
And that, right there, is an argument for quitting while you're ahead. Not that this cheese was bad, exactly, but it just didn't speak to my soul the way the Delice de Bourgogne did. It's a mild blue cheese, this one, and paired great with grapes, which seemed to bring out the blue notes, but it wasn't, like, my *favorite ever* or anything.
(Still, "not the best cheese ever" is always better than no cheese at all. Dear cheese: Someday, when a pill exists that allows me to eat you all the time and fit in my pants, I will eat you all the time. For serious. It'll be like sex on the pill! ALL THE TIME.)
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1 comment:
Have you ever tried applewood smoked cheddar? OMG I could eat it every day. For every meal. (Except for then I would have obscene hyperlipidemia and would be approximately a thousand pounds).
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