Keswick Creamery Farmstead Cheese: Wallaby
Comes from: cows
Purchased at:
Frecon Farms$3.45/3.5 oz = $15.77/lb

So this cheese is good. It's very mild, sort-of cheddary but softer than, I dunno, your standard grocery store brick. Probably would be good in your kids' sandwiches. You know, your imaginary kids? Yeah, those.
frecon farms? did you go on a little cheese trip?
Litvak? My cousins are Litvaks. My Zadie was Russian, Minsk--& Bubby was born in Ekatrinaslav. Anyway, I emailed you on your murder thang. The Jewiness drew me in. When our reformed Rabbi married my wife & I, he asked her, she's atheist/catholic background, is it OK that Scott studies, provocates?! his interest in Jewish things? (she's like ofcourse.) I'm just trying to convey motive here... My great Uncle coming from Lithuania 1rst learned Spanish--going to Texas, when he came to the US, rather than English. His yiddish, tho'I studied it at Oxford, and can't understand it, still--his was stuttered and chirpey. He lived for 99 yrs. Morning, sister
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