Sunday, October 12, 2008

Keswick Creamery Wallaby

Keswick Creamery Farmstead Cheese: Wallaby
Comes from: cows
Purchased at: Frecon Farms
$3.45/3.5 oz = $15.77/lb

So this cheese is good. It's very mild, sort-of cheddary but softer than, I dunno, your standard grocery store brick. Probably would be good in your kids' sandwiches. You know, your imaginary kids? Yeah, those.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cypress Grove Humboldt Fog Coupe

Cypress Grove Humboldt Fog Coupe
Comes from: goats
Purchased at: Whole Foods

So this cheese? Kind of fell apart? When I took it out of its wrapper? It is supposed to look like this?

Anyway. I really, really like this cheese. Rachel and I consumed copious amounts of this cheese at one of our cheese-fiestas, and lo, it was good. The outside portion of the cheese is runny and sharp in flavor, and the inside of the cheese is more mild, with an almost feta-ish, drier texture, and together they are kind of the best thing ever.

This cheese! Is so great! You should eat it! All the time! And that is the song of humboldt fog.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mitcana De Oveja

Mitcana De Oveja
Comes from: sheep
Purchased at: Whole Foods

This is a pretty good cheese in the runny-on-the-outside, flaky-on-the-inside family. Not too sheepy.