Comes from: cows
Purchased at: Rouses
What's interesting about this cheese is this: I'm looking at this photograph -- this entry is, admittedly, written after the fact (and timestamp), for which I'd apologize but my Hebrew school teachers taught me that an apology implies asking forgiveness of the wronged human, asking forgiveness of wronged deity, *and* promising to do better in the future, and obviously that last one is the sticking point here -- and I'm like, Where the hell did Rouses get the idea to call this cheese "Joan of Arc"? 'cause it's certainly not on the commercial label.
Rouses doesn't carry great cheeses; the store up in Mid-City has a moderately better selection than the one on Tchoupitoulas, but it's not Whole Foods (or, sigh, DiBruno Brothers). Also, cheeses that are... herbed (with herbs mixed in, with herbs patted on) are hit-or-miss, and very often miss. This cheese surprised me, though; I really bought it because it was the only brie in a portable size, and it turned out to be really decent. Not, like, the greatest brie ever, but I think it'd be just the sort of thing to fool your guests with at a dinner party.
Unfortunately I just have no the hell idea what it's called.