Unfortunately, I have already disposed of the labels, and also most of the cheese, so this won't be much of a review. That said...

Clockwise, from the whitish one Marjorie's hand is cutting: goat milk gouda (Trader Joe's), pastore sini (Whole Foods), drunken goat cheese (Whole Foods), abondance cheese (Trader Joe's), Saint Andre (Trader Joe's), brie (Trader Joe's).
Really I was impressed by the Trader Joe's cheeses here; I wasn't expecting them to be spectacular, because, eh, Trader Joe's, but they held up well. Special props to the goat gouda, the abondance (which I thought would be stinky when I first pulled off the wrapper, but instead was just pleasantly pungent and wound up being one of my favorites), and the Saint Andre, which, go figure, is brie with a higher fat content.
Yay, cheese-party. Yay.